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Many tea lovers know that Shui Xian is one of the well-known varieties of Wuyi Rock Tea, and is one of the three major representatives of Wuyi Mountain Rock Tea, along with Da Hong Pao and Rou Gui. "The older the Shui Xian tea tree is, the sturdier its trunk is, the deeper its roots are rooted and the richer the minerals and other nutrients it absorbs. Therefore, the Lao Cong Shui Xian, which is loved by tea lovers nowadays, is generally older in age, more mellow in taste, deeper and more rich. The Gao Cong Shui Xian, which is actually younger than the Lao Cong, is between 30 and 50 years old. Gao Cong Shui Xian tea trees are usually more expensive than most Rock Tea, not only because of the rare availability of good raw material in the core production areas, but also because of the tedious processing. Every master of rock tea is like a magician with the magical ability to turn fermentation and fire into gold, making the silent green leaves stir up unpredictable aromas. The 2020 Gao Cong Shui Xian that I am sharing with you today was hand-roasted by my grandfather Zhong Zu Huo to enhance the aromas, and was only considered completed when the fire had subsided after sufficient period of resting. Each dry leaf is like dark jade, pure and calm, but when hot water is poured into the teapot, the rich floral aroma that has been sealed away is reawakened and comes out in a torrent. Half of its aroma is can be enjoyed in the tea soup, half sticks persistently to the walls of the tea cup. The aroma is rich, the taste is mellow, the sweetness is long. In order to let more tea lovers experience this tea, I offer free 8.3g samples on my website www.txs-tea.com. I wish all my tea friends could leisurely enjoy the meditative feeling this ecological Gao Cong Shui Xian brings with its rich taste. Feel the surprise of sipping a cup of good rock tea in your life.