In the year of gengzi, the white peony cake was stored. We selected Fuding DAHAO tea and Dabai tea of Wuyang mountain to mix one bud and two leaves as raw materials. It was made according to the withering of sunlight and physical ventilation baking. The technology is natural and traditional. In order to facilitate storage and collection, we use the method of loose pressure to make small tea cakes, 6G a cake. Most of the tea trees in Fuding River grow at an altitude of about 500m, which is full of sunshine and strong photosynthesis. The forest coverage rate is over 88% and the greening rate is over 96%. The content of negative oxygen ion in the air is high. Wuyang mountain is a tea producing village with the highest altitude in Fuxi. It has not only ordinary tea garden, but also a large area of wild tea. It has a certain age of trees, bushy mountains, lush vegetation and sufficient water. The soil layer here is also relatively thick, yellow soil and red soil alternate, slightly acidic, with a variety of minerals in the soil. The root system of tea plant is developed, which can fully absorb groundwater and dissolve the trace minerals in rocks. The tea produced is rich in substances and has layers. The colloid in the tea soup is strong, and the mountain and wild flavor is strong. Aroma and taste are more full-bodied and full than other regions, and the mouth flavor transformed after years is more mellow than other regions.